
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Supreme Court

 I never knew much about the Supreme Court, but after viewing a video about it, it helped shed some light on their history and what their tasks are while in the Court. First off, I was very surprised to learn there has only been just over a hundred total members of the Supreme Court, or better known as the Supreme Court Justices, while the court has existed for over two whole centuries. The Supreme Court Justices average a serving time of around 16 years, but many of them work until they die or physically and mentally unable to work anymore. Justice Stephen Breyer spoke on his experience when first joining the Supreme Court, reflecting on the overwhelming responsibilities that is held on a justice's shoulders, and how many years it takes to get used to it. "When I got here, some of my colleagues said to me, you've got to give it three years, and after three years it will not seem so overwhelming and so strange. One of them said, pay no attention to the three-year rule it t

Loss of Privacy

Technology was an invention made by humans in the past that has only become more important in our everyday lives as time goes on. As we advance the capabilities of technology, we become more accustomed to having it at our disposal at all times. One particular innovation of technology that has taken over the world is the internet. It is defined as "a global computer network used to share information and communicate with one another." Although it seems technology has taken over humanities lives completely, there are still many helpful resources that can be used to help with everyday activities. One main reason the internet is so popular is because of the ability to communicate with other people no matter where they are in the world, as long as they have internet access to respond to you. Another reason is the ability to easily access several types of information to help you with your problems throughout the day. Technology and the internet seem to be great additions to the worl

My top 5 News Sources

  When I was younger, I had absolutely no interest in what the news had to offer, I was too busy messing around to care or even think about what was going on in the world around me. Now that I have grown older, and I have matured, I realize now how important the news really is. I also realize that because of biasedness and strong political beliefs, the news you receive depends on which news channel or source you are receiving this information from. The New York Times: Digital and Home Delivery Subscriptions ( When listing off my top 5 news sources, the first that comes to mind is the New York Times, one of the oldest types of newspapers in the United States and one of the most well-known. This news source is usually quite reliable, with a knack for fact checking, as well as investigative writing. The paper does a wonderful job of telling stories and breaking news that is occurring in New York, as well as small communities or individuals trying to make change or a name for t