My top 5 News Sources

 When I was younger, I had absolutely no interest in what the news had to offer, I was too busy messing around to care or even think about what was going on in the world around me. Now that I have grown older, and I have matured, I realize now how important the news really is. I also realize that because of biasedness and strong political beliefs, the news you receive depends on which news channel or source you are receiving this information from.

The New York Times: Digital and Home Delivery Subscriptions (

When listing off my top 5 news sources, the first that comes to mind is the New York Times, one of the oldest types of newspapers in the United States and one of the most well-known. This news source is usually quite reliable, with a knack for fact checking, as well as investigative writing. The paper does a wonderful job of telling stories and breaking news that is occurring in New York, as well as small communities or individuals trying to make change or a name for themselves for whatever reason. The New York Times also has a restaurant review section, allowing for people to find new places to eat, as well as restaurants receiving the recognition that they work for, or to complain about a restaurant's quality or professionalism.


TikTok is a social media platform where people can share videos and upload them online, and it was the most downloaded app of 2022. While it is definitely not as reliable as a newspaper such as the New York Times, Tik Tok will show you information that you would not usually be able to find in your typical newspaper. This does not mean all of this information is true though. TikTok does not have fact checkers or investigative writing, any person with the app can upload just about anything if it follows the TikTok guidelines, proving to be an interesting but very unreliable source to receive information about what is going on in the world

Wikinews, the free news source

This may seem like a ridiculous source to put into a top five news sources list, but do not shut it down too quickly. The website Wikipedia is always deemed to be very unreliable by just about any teacher or professor, and this is because of the fact that just about anyone can add information to their site. While this may seem like a negative factor, it can actually add greatly to their credibility and unbiasedness. The fact that any person can access these writings and add their thoughts and ideas makes Wikipedia the most unbiased news source known to man. Also, with people sharing the same interests in one particular field, if one person inputs misleading information into a topic on Wikinews, it is bound to be changed in the blink of an eye by another person interested in the same topic.

Associated Press News: Breaking News | Latest News Today (

The Associated Press is another very unbiased news source, they give their viewers the facts, without having a particular agenda to follow. They do not show signs of leaning towards a certain political affiliation, they get straight to business and give their viewers information on what is going on in the world. Many local newspapers buy their stories from the Associated Press, who have journalists making reports all over the world at all times, so in a sense, this press is the news, they are the source of news for other smaller news sources. | National Politics | History | Nonfiction Books

While it is technically not a newspaper, C-Span is the best source for unbiased political news. It live streams the House and Senate of the United States to all of its viewers. C-Span was created in 1846, and its primary goal since then has been to allow the people of the United States to have firsthand access to what decisions the government is making and what kind of topics they are discussing in the House and Senate.


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