In the Age of AI

    AI and technology are becoming more and more a part of our everyday lives, and now it is even beginning to threaten job security for some individuals. Although it is a very exciting topic that is slowly but surely changing the way humans live forever, it is also a very frightening topic as well. As human history being my key evidence, it is in our human nature to abuse power and take advantage of things for our own benefit, and I am very frightened what that will entail with the vast innovations in technology and AI. 

    In the video about living in the age of AI, one specific detail stood out to me a bit more than others. Many believe that implementation of automation will take away various blue-collar jobs first, but in reality, it is the white-collar jobs that are more at risk. The CEO of Sinovation Ventures, Kai-fu Lee, shed some light on the topic about automation. "AI will be, at the same time, a replacement for blue-collar, white-collar jobs, and a great symbiotic tool for doctors, lawyers, and you for example. (reporter) But the white-collar jobs are much easier to take, because they're a pure quantitative analytical process. Let's say reporters, traders, telemarketing, telesales, customer service, analysts these can all be replaced just by a software. To do blue-collar some of the work requires hand eye coordination, things that machines are not yet good enough to do." Personally, this was very surprising to me because I also believed that blue collar jobs were much more at risk, but it is actually the white-collar jobs. Unfortunately, with time both types of jobs will be at high risk for automation.

    In conclusion, I am very excited for the future, but I am also very frightened of it as well. We do not know the path we may go down with these new innovations in technology, it could go very well, or very badly. I also believe with the advancements in technology, our privacy is slowly becoming a thing of the past. With companies constantly tracking our data, to NSA being able to watch us through our phones, who knows what else will happen in the future?


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