
As the years have passed, antiwar protests have been less frequently broadcasted to the mainstream media, either by newspaper, television, or phone; people voicing their beliefs on antiwar are almost impossible to find without digging deep into your sources. Mainstream media will almost never broadcast anything that supports antiwar, and the worst part is that we once did have a strong voice for this, but it has seemed to somewhat disappear in the early 2000's. Personally, I believe the only antiwar articles I have ever read in my life was on the ongoing invasion of Russian forces into Ukraine. Besides that terrible topic, I have never seen another article or story about a writer strongly voicing their belief for anti-war. 

For example, this website, is supposedly one of the best sources for antiwar content for anyone to access, and there is a high probability that very few people are actually aware of this website and all of its articles and conflicts it has to offer on the present-day world. When loading up the website, it immediately shows you several links to articles you can click on. For example, "Daniel Ellsberg's leak helped prevent war with China." As well as "Progress in Saudi-Houthi Yemen peace talks." These are articles I would personally be much more interested in reading,
compared to the pointless things mainstream media usually puts out for their audience to absorb.

Finally, I believe the reason the fight for antiwar has no longer been shown in mainstream media is simply because the people controlling this media believe it could somehow be bad for their business or others alike. Big name corporations will almost always put the success of their companies over everything else in life, no matter what the cost or circumstances. As the people of the U.S, we need to become better at coming together to protest against what our government partakes in on a daily basis on our country's soil, and overseas.


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