Transhumanism: EOTO Presentations

 When observing my peer's presentations, one topic stood out to me much more than any other, and that is transhumanism. The definition of transhumanism is "the belief that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology." This topic is absolutely crazy to think about, we are moving towards a future that could be filled with human cyborgs, using technology to our advantage by implementing certain things inside of our body to enhance our capabilities. It is terrifying to think about, but it is also very intriguing.

    Transhumanists, individuals who strongly support transhumanism, believe the implementation of these new technologies will result in the process of aging slowing down to very significant amounts as well as physical and mental abilities being enhanced by tenfold. Transhumanism was first introduced by a biologist named Julian Huxley in an essay written in 1957, in the essay he believed that human evolution.

could be significantly sped up by implementing these new innovations in technology. If this was to ever come into play, these humans would be much more superior to a human without these technological advancements. There would also be a new name for this species, the posthuman.

    In the year 1990, the doctrine extropianism came into play. This doctrine inspires individuals to overcome human limitations through the advancement of technologies. This doctrine became the main leading idea for the transhumanist movement, bringing in more and more members. The term extropy was coined by Max Moore, the founder of the extropy institute. The term was created to oppose the beliefs of entropy, highlighting their goals of breaking human limitations and enhancing physical and mental capabilities.    

    In conclusion, I believe transhumanism is a very interesting topic in general, but it is also a very frightening one. Everyone knows human nature, and human nature always involves the abuse of power. I believe if transhumanism did eventually come into play, most humans would abuse the power granted to them from these technological advancements.


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