History of the Televison/EOTO

 It would not be fair to list off a single name and give them all of the credit for inventing the television, there were several inventors that have attributed to it dating all the way back to the 1800's. It was a simple invention that was continuously improved as the years went on. In the year 1884, a German man named Paul Nipkow invented a device capable of sending images through wires while using spinning discs. This is believed to be one of the earliest forms of the television. Then in the 1900's, two men improved Nipkow's invention by replacing the spinning discs with cathode ray tubes, inserting them inside the receiver, as well as the camera taking the photograph. Finally, in the year 1927, a Scottish man made history by giving the world its first real taste of television, presenting his device in London in front of 50 scientists, his name was John Baird.

When television finally became the norm in household entertainment and replaced the radio, it had many benefits to everyday life. Before the television was invented, the only way to access information about what was happening in the present was through either the newspaper, or obviously, the radio. The invention of the television made it much easier for families to access information on a day-to-day basis. Not only was it good for information, but it was also vital for home entertainment. Before it became popular, many people were eager for something new to do inside of their homes, becoming weary of simply listening to a radio to pass the time. Lastly, it was a huge opportunity for companies to advertise their products, with the possibility of showing their products and its capabilities, instead of just describing it when using the radio as a means of advertising. 

While it is true that the invention of the television brought many positives to everyday life around the world, it also brought negative effects over time. While many loved the idea of being able to watch movies and their favorite show right from home, it was a main cause in weight gain for millions of people. It allowed for more entertainment right from your living room, which was the whole point of the invention, but it caused many people to slowly change into a much lazier lifestyle. Not only did it have negative effects on our physical health, but our mental health as well. With the constant projection of fighting and killing one another over the many years of television, it has caused many viewers to be desensitized to most types of violence and also causing other viewers to become more violent, children and adults alike.

In conclusion, I believe the invention of the television was a major success in providing a new form of entertainment from home, and I also believe it is our own fault for abusing it so much to the point that we become unhealthy from it. The world would be a very different place if this invention had never been created.


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