
In the Age of AI

     AI and technology are becoming more and more a part of our everyday lives, and now it is even beginning to threaten job security for some individuals. Although it is a very exciting topic that is slowly but surely changing the way humans live forever, it is also a very frightening topic as well. As human history being my key evidence, it is in our human nature to abuse power and take advantage of things for our own benefit, and I am very frightened what that will entail with the vast innovations in technology and AI.      In the video about living in the age of AI, one specific detail stood out to me a bit more than others. Many believe that implementation of automation will take away various blue-collar jobs first, but in reality, it is the white-collar jobs that are more at risk. The CEO of Sinovation Ventures, Kai-fu Lee , shed some light on the topic about automation. "AI will be, at the same time, a replacement for blue-collar, white-collar jobs, and a great symbiotic t

Our Relationship with Technology, Final Blog

     Technology has brought several benefits to everyday life, from curing diseases to communicating with one another all across the globe, technology has changed the world for the better in endless ways. While these are great things, technology has also brought many unforeseen negative effects as well. In this prompt I will be speaking about my relationship with technology, as well as the people I am close with.     First off, I believe my relationship with technology at times is healthy, and at other times very  unhealthy. I believe I give too much of my time to technology somedays, and I also believe many other individuals can agree with this for their relationship as well. Using too much technology can lead to a lack of sleep for me, as well as my sleep schedule being completely obliterated when I stay awake the entire night playing video games. Also, technology can veer me away from living in the present time, making me too concerned with what is happening on my phone to be aware

Transhumanism: EOTO Presentations

 When observing my peer's presentations, one topic stood out to me much more than any other, and that is transhumanism. The definition of transhumanism is "the belief that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology." This topic is absolutely crazy to think about, we are moving towards a future that could be filled with human cyborgs, using technology to our advantage by implementing certain things inside of our body to enhance our capabilities. It is terrifying to think about, but it is also very intriguing.      Transhumanists, individuals who strongly support transhumanism, believe the implementation of these new technologies will result in the process of aging slowing down to very significant amounts as well as physical and mental abilities being enhanced by tenfold. Transhumanism was first introduced by a biologist named Julian Huxley in an essay written in 1957, in the essay he believe

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

         The Sherman Anti-Trust Act was first created by the U.S Congress in the year 1890, in hopes of combatting a complete monopoly in any type of market and preserving economic competition across the nation. This made the act of merging two businesses together to form a monopoly over their competitors completely illegal in the eyes of Congress. The act was named after the U.S senator of Ohio, known for his expertise in regulation of commerce, John Sherman. While many would think this act does not come into play during the present day, they would be very incorrect. The Sherman Anti-Trust Act has remained in effect since it was first passed, helping to maintain our economic stability and diversity for several years, and many more to come in the future.     There were two main goals to be reached when passing this act, the first being to ban the act of intruding and/or sabotaging a trade between two businesses, as well as prohibiting an overall monopolization of any type of commerce

Diffusion of Innovations: Snapchat

    Snapchat  was first released as an Android app on October 29th, 2011, and was created by three college students attending Standford University. Fast forward to present day, and it has become one of the most popular and influential apps in the entire world, boasting a whopping 293 million daily active users all across the globe and an average of 5 billion snaps being created every day. Of course, Snap inc. did not always have millions of daily users, or billions of snaps being sent back and forth on a daily basis. It took time for people to adopt this new app, to this new way of communicating with one another.      When it was first released, Snapchat's main selling point was the idea of sending pictures back and forth with a friend, while each picture disappears after it has been viewed. This new idea of communication caught the attention of younger individuals, but it had a bit of trouble bringing in a mass number of users, that was until it began adding new  features. Only o

EOTO Presentations: The United States Postal Service

  When observing my peer's presentations for class, one invention stuck out to me the most compared to the others, and that was the origin of the  United States Postal Service . It changed the United States for years to come, improving several aspects in our everyday lives for the better, with little to no negative effects to come afterward. It created a foundation for all of the mailing services we have today, an inspiration for Amazon, FedEx, (etc.)     The birth of the United States Postal Service occurred about three months after the events of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, in the year 1775. There were no means of communication between the American colonies except by horseback, and the information being transported was vital for America's success in the Revolutionary War. The Continental Congress decided it was time for the colonies to form a postal service together, greatly aiding in their transportation of information and their success over the redcoats. When it wa


As the years have passed, antiwar protests have been less frequently broadcasted to the mainstream media, either by newspaper, television, or phone; people voicing their beliefs on antiwar are almost impossible to find without digging deep into your sources. Mainstream media will almost never broadcast anything that supports antiwar, and the worst part is that we once did have a strong voice for this, but it has seemed to somewhat disappear in the early 2000's. Personally, I believe the only antiwar articles I have ever read in my life was on the ongoing invasion of Russian forces into Ukraine. Besides that terrible topic, I have never seen another article or story about a writer strongly voicing their belief for anti-war.  For example, this website , is supposedly one of the best sources for antiwar content for anyone to access, and there is a high probability that very few people are actually aware of this website and all of its articles and conflicts it has to offer